воскресенье, 10 февраля 2013 г.

сільське господарство інформаційні технології

Various State-Specific P Indices

A formalized group of scientists, with many members associated with Land-Grant Universities), was organized through the auspices of the Southern NIFA Region. This group discusses the research and management needs related to agricultural P and water quality. 

The Phosphorus IndexSeptember 15, 2010eld-based planning tool to assess the risk of phosphorus (P) movement from agriculture to water. Many versions of the P index exist and are in varying stages of evolution due to differing regional and geographic conditions. Much research through NIFA and the Land Grant System is being done to identify P sensitive watersheds, expand and improve on P indices, and to develop best management practices (BMPs) to reduce agricultural P losses to water.

The is the only officially recognized planning tool for creating certified nutrient management plans in Idaho. The State of Idaho and the USDA offer the software and training for individuals to become Certified Nutrient Management Planners in Idaho.  This decision support tool was a collaborate effort developed by the University of Idaho, NRCS, U.S. EPA and the Idaho Associate of Soil Conservation Districts.

Researchers at the University of Kentucky concluded that both , making no single factor important to predicting that response in any of the studied fields. 

The , according to a study at Cornell University. 

A Kansas State University study is quantifying and demonstrating to producers and public interest groups the .

Researchers at the University of Wisconsin are developing a and using it to quantify P losses from fields.

Research at Texas A&M University found that responses to . However, one of the most significant results from this study was that in two of three site-years, less P was applied with the variable-rate approach than with a recommended blanket-rate. Still, landscape position/slope at one site and soil type/soil calcium at another site had a greater impact than P treatment.

In a project at Auburn University, yield monitors—devices that are mounted to harvesting equipment to measure crop yield and field position during harvesting—

Traditionally, we've managed our cropland based on the average soil condition and treated the entire field as a single unit. This method is sometimes inefficient, because you'll over-apply fertilizer in some areas and under-apply in others.  Precision agriculture uses information technologies, like Global Positioning Systems (GPS), Geographical Information Systems (GIS), and remote sensing, to target nutrient inputs and management practices to site-specific variable field conditions. These technologies take into account unique soil/landscape characteristics resulting in less excess nutrients leaving the farm thereby reducing the pollution risk to ground and surface water.

nutrient needs, sampling strategies, and programs aimed at decision

that incorporate information technology, computer software to predict

(P), throughout agriculture.  These tools include techniques

producers, and citizens to better manage nutrients, notably phosphorus

funding are developing and evaluating new tools to help farmers,

Researchers within the Land Grant University System or with NIFA


Nutrient and Pesticide Management

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